/> What have you thought till now? | somesh | Webmatrices

hello, I'm an active duty service member. i really love computers, jailbreaking, taking things apart to see them work, modify and hack games files, etc.. im currently doing some online courses from brilliant to get the basics of python. I've done the 6 hour youtube videos courses on python, done about 2-3 months of self teaching. i want to do my google certification but I'm not sure if that's the right step or if i'm even ready. What Do ya recommend i should do. I also have the ability to actually go to college for cyber and computer science if that's the best option for me. i know that in this industry, you can become really good without college. all about time and effort. can someone please point me to the right direction.

hello, I'm an active duty service member. i really love computers, jailbreaking, taking things apart to see them work, modify and hack games files, etc.. im currently doing some online courses from brilliant to get the basics of python. I've done the 6 hour youtube videos courses on python, done about 2-3 months of self teaching. i want to do my google certification but I'm not sure if that's the right step or if i'm even ready. What Do ya recommend i should do. I also have the ability to actually go to college for cyber and computer science if that's the best option for me. i know that in this industry, you can become really good without college. all about time and effort. can someone please point me to the right direction.