Site not getting approved

September 17th 2024 1391 views • 8 comments

Looks like a genuine site to me. Probably the new domain age is not enough, also it may have navigation issues.

Can you share exactly what message you got?

I have identified some issue with your website. Your website didn't have any social media linked with, didn't have privacy policy page which is crucial for Adsense Approval, website design is not good because categories are place in pages section, pages are not good as recommended, make sure to look forward to these issue ☺️

You can visit my website and take a look there I recommend you to check pages designed and placement

My site:

Your website content is good but Google is a bit lazy to give Google AdSense approval to such sites.

first is the privacy policy page

secondly site is full of images with minimal text on it.

on load structure breakage.

even I am facing an issue with my site saarainfo