Adsense Eligibility Checker

Only tool in the whole world to check your website's Google Adsense approval eligibility

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hey Good day please any google adsense expert should check this blog if it is Okay for Approval and tell me the issues pls check if it is okay for google adense approval

Get Google AdSense Approval: The Ultimate Guide to AdSense success

So, you’ve heard about the sweet, sweet internet cash flowing in from Google AdSense, and you want a piece of that pie? Well, my friend, you've landed on the right page! Let's walk you through the mystical, often misunderstood journey to AdSense approval. Believe it or not, it's easier than assembling an IKEA coffee table, and there are fewer leftover screws!The Golden Criteria for AdSense ApprovalTo get Google AdSense to sprinkle those revenue dollars upon you, your website needs to be top-notch. Think of it like trying to impress a date but with less cologne and more quality content.1. Domain AgeYour domain can't be a toddler in the internet world. Generally, it should be at least 6 months old, though this can vary by region.2. Domain AuthorityJust like a stern librarian, your site needs some authority. Over time, as your site earns backlinks (the good kind, not the shady alley ones), your domain authority increases.3. Page AuthorityEach specific page on your website should also ooze authority. Google likes influential pages—think of them as the superheroes of your domain.4. BacklinksIt's all about the web connections. The more legit websites linking back to yours, the better Google thinks you are. Isn’t it all about who you know?5. Indexed PagesThese are the pages Google has decided are worthy of appearing in search results. If they’re good enough for Google, they're good enough for AdSense.6. Essential PagesYou need the essentials: About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service. It's like your website wearing a tuxedo to the prom—Google likes formalities.7. Website TrafficNot to sound like a hipster, but Google prefers sites with a significant amount of genuine traffic. No need to buy fake visitors from the dark web!8. Website SpeedIf your site loads slower than a snail in molasses, Google’s going to swipe left. Fast loading times keep the bounce rates low.9. Mobile FriendlyOur pint-sized devices rule the world. Make sure your site looks fab on mobiles; otherwise, you’re missing out big time.10. HTTPSIf your site isn’t secure, Google might just send it to internet jail. Get that SSL certificate and keep the padlock icon happy.The Magic Number: 70%Okay, here’s the juice: to get Google AdSense's green light, your site needs a score of at least 70%. Think of it like getting a C in college—it's not the best, but it’s passing, and that’s all you need. is your go-to tool for finding out if your site makes the cut. Simply pop in your URL, hit the "Check" button, and—voilà! You’ll see your score along with pointers on where you stand and where you need to tighten the screws.How Long Does It Take to Get Approved?The million-dollar question. If your site matches all these conditions, the AdSense approval time is generally on the shorter side. But if your site needs some TLC, then you may be waiting a bit longer. Quality content, user-friendly layout, and high engagement can speed this process up considerably.Step-by-Step Guide to Get AdSense ApprovedStep 1: Content is KingWrite high-quality, unique content that provides value. Avoid clickbait; Google’s smarter than your average bear.Step 2: Design MattersA clean, user-friendly layout is crucial. If your site looks like a 90s Geocities page, time for a makeover.Step 3: Build BacklinksGet backlinks from reputable sites. Networking is key here!Step 4: Optimize for SpeedUse tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to make sure your site doesn’t lag.Step 5: Be Mobile-FriendlyTest your site on different devices. If it’s smooth on mobile, you’re halfway there.Step 6: Secure Your SiteInvest in an SSL certificate and make sure your site runs on HTTPS.Step 7: Sign Up for AdSenseOnce you believe your site is up to the mark, sign up for AdSense. Fill out all the necessary details, and let Google do its thing.Step 8: Be PatientAfter submitting, sit back and maybe watch some funny cat videos to pass the time. Google will get back to you!Final Thoughts: AdSense AwesomenessGetting AdSense approval can seem like battling a Hydra, but with the right approach, you’ll slay it. Keep producing top-tier content, maintain a user-friendly site, and make sure you’re ticking all the boxes we discussed.And remember, if you’re ever in doubt or just want to see how you're faring before applying, give a whirl. May the ad revenue be ever in your favor!

What is Adsense Eligibility Checker?

Adsense Eligibility Checker is a tool that helps you to check your website is eligible for Google Adsense or not.

Your blogger website is now scanable by this tool. This tool can now properly scan your blogger website's domain age and quality.

If your website is eligible for Google Adsense, you will get nearer to or more than 70% score. If your website is not eligible for Google Adsense, you will get a score less than 70%. It checks your website for the following things:

  • Domain Age
  • Domain Authority
  • Page Authority
  • Backlinks
  • Indexed Pages
  • Essential Pages
  • Website Traffic
  • Website Speed
  • Mobile Friendly

If you want to know more about Google Adsense, you can visit our Google Adsense online community.

How to use Adsense Eligibility Checker?

To use Adsense Eligibility Checker, you need to enter your website URL in the input field and click on the "Check" button. After that, you will get your website score and the reason for the score.

What is the minimum score to get Google Adsense approved?

The minimum score to get Google Adsense is 70%. If you get a score less than 70%, you need to improve your website to get Google Adsense.

How long does Google AdSense take to approve?

Approving your site for Google AdSense can take is completely dependent on the quality of your site. If your site is not eligible for Google AdSense, it will take a long time to approve your site.

Easy to use layout, highly searched, problem-solving and high-quality content are the main factors that can help you to get Google AdSense approval.